THIS IS a place for us to break bread and fish in fellowship. This is a place for us to eat the bread and drink the wine of communion with Jesus our Lord. Here we share the love of Christ through sharing our hearts, our loves, our hopes and dreams, our struggles and trials, and troubles and cares. Our purpose here is to share conversationally, so we will remain open topic. We will remember that Jesus came to break bread with us, and serve us that bread, and was raised up to draw all to himself. A bruised reed would He not break nor a smoking flax would He quench. What He made us for, is a relationship, an intimacy with Him. One place to carry that out is in fellowship in the Spirit with brothers and sisters of that same one Spirit. We can even share favorite music and vids. Make yourself a cup of coffee, make yourself at home and say "Hi".

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I know that I have been whining and groaning alot lately. I know that you all have been praying for me and my family. Thank you so very much. I must not forget that it is in breaking us that He pours us out for others.

I'm going to stammer along here, I'm not sure I'm saying what I mean, so please salt it with Grace.

I suddenly feel awash in His light.

He has given me so much. These truths of abiding (Jim and KC) and Affective theology (Bobby et. al.). I realize that I have served legalistically for years, despite all attempts not to.

What I'm coming to grasp, is that God-Father Son and Holy Spirit have eternally existed in familial bliss. We were created to extend that bliss even infinitely farther. We were created BECAUSE He loves us. Forever He has loved us, because forever He has (He being eternal, timeless) known us. He became one of us to sup with us. He grasped us from the cross, and took us with Him spiritually in the resurrection.

He created us because of the eternal Love between Father Son and Holy Spirit. He created us and saved us because He has always loved us. As we trusting, abide in Him, grasping (beginning to grasp) that love, and grasping (not letting go), the Love of Christ want's to flow through us and reach out to the next object of His affection. I frustrate this and myself by not understanding that it is only ONLY love from Christ folded back in toward Christ that will motivate us to truly love others. It is only that very love that motivates us and enables us to do any of the works of God. For without love I am a sounding brass and crashing cymbal.

I am only sharing this because I want you to know that the Lord hears and answers your prayers.

I have known for over 25 years that Haiti is the black hole of calcutta for the western hemisphere. When another tragedy strikes, I bristle at the news because it's always "blame america". No different this time.

But the Lord says something like: "It's nice to have your grand babies in the next room isn't it?" "Isn't it nice to know they are safe and warm and not hungry?" "Don't you think it's good that they are well loved in your family?"

Actually, this began with a representative of Compassion Int'l on Moody radio talking about Haiti relief. So I went to the web site. I began to look at the children who need sponsors, and browsed for a little girl in Haiti who needs a sponsor. Oops! They aren't available in Haiti at this time because they don't know yet who in the program (65,000 plus children in Haiti!) has survived, and where they are. I have to pray for a little girl known only by the Lord at this time, that she will be safe today and get something to eat, and that she will be safe tonight. I cry every time I think about her, and I pray for her and for the staff that will find her. I look at my babies, and my wife and daughter, even my puppies, and I want to hold them close and let them know that they are loved.

The only thing I have to add is that you all (all of you) have helped me to see this.

If we don't meet up 'til then, I owe each one of you one big hug.

Thanks! Keep praying!

Your brother

PS  My thanks and apologies  to Michele (Sanc'sBlog) whose blog I copied this from after I typed it, before I could secure permission.   I needed a blog here to open up commenting, because without a blog, there is no comment box.


  1. Brothers and Sisters

    Just to reiterate, this is a non-topical site.
    Just say Hi, let us know what's on your heart or whatever.


  2. Hey, Bro

    I "feel" your reflections on Michele's and deeply appreciate the solidarity u seem to be getting from these relationships. That sounds like a pretty cramped living situation u got there; but I guess the Haiti disaster does have an up side, if it helps to see the world thru Kingdom lenses. :-)

    Love the "brand f" logo! I just got back from 4 days in SD with my father and brother and sister and [] niece, and the coffee was not potable; but I drank it anyway.

    Peace, my friend (His)


  3. Hi Jim!

    Thanks for coming by! catchy address eh?
    That was an accident (my perspective).
    My wife says "there are no accidents, just God's way of remaining anonymous".

    My wife taught me to love coffee. If you can taste the water, 'taint coffee.
    oops! Mom's callin'. Time to eat.

  4. Is it okay if I bring my teacup?

    Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blog header.

    I used to think it was silly to try to poke around to discover what other Christians believed on a doctrinal level. Getting to know an individual on a personal basis can tell me so much more about what they believe than some list of statements or creeds. And, it's what I think Jesus really wants of us. In "real life" this is an easier task to accomplish than online.

    In "blog world", (mostly out of self-defense), I've tried to understand better on an intellectual level the beliefs of those with whom I blog. Some interaction has been amazingly beautiful while other attempts at sharing have been catastrophic and now I'm starting to feel as though I need to pry around to find out what others believe in order to not stomp all over feelings or get branded as a heretic.

    At any rate, I'm so thankful that there are others around who just desire to share their love of Jesus rather than simply spread their brand of understanding about Him.

    Thanks, Duane.

    In Christ,

  5. You are too kind! ;-)

    I'll read always and chime in as time permits. I really appreciate your attitude and approach here brother. May God continue to bless your efforts.

    We'll (Corry and I) will continue to pray for you and yours. We covet your prayers as well.

  6. Hi Heather!

    Hey, tea is great. I like Earl Grey. Tradition Medicinals had a real tastey chai called "Guarana Chai". I don't think they still make it.

    Yes, I believe that what we believe about our Lord says alot about us. But we are, as is our Lord, multidimensional beings, and how we treat one another after the "ball game" says alot about who we are too. Besides, I think this could be fun and helpful.

    KC, the patience you and Jim have demonstrated during my sometimes ill tempered comments has been my guide.

    Thanks to you all. It is past 8:30 AM (yes, that's right) so I must bid you good coffee, and good tea, and good night. Stick around and chat it up!


  7. Hey cute kids eh?

    That's Hannah and Grace in December. They made a new little snowman down in the swale in last last week's snow. That poor little guy is just a bump on the top of the new snow.

    This has been hands down the best winter since we moved to east PA. We used to live in the Great Lakes snowbelt. Even there, we had a few dull winters.

    Tea time this morning. I like this mandarin spice herbal tea. I can't have caffeine before bed. In fact, I typically shut myself off 10 hours before bed (9:30 at night on my present schedule. I work 12 hour days, four days on four days off, unless I add and overtime shift. Then to confuse things more, we work 4 weeks like that days or nights (6-6),
    then we swing from days to night or nights to days for 4 more weeks. Boy, I gets sleepy.

  8. The little ones are cute :)

    Sounds as though you work a schedule similar to the one my husband had several years ago. It seemed like a great idea to have long weekends but he really spent the first day in recovery and was dragging his tail most of the week.

  9. Say, did you know that Hannah means "grace"--or "favor"?

    So you have "Grace" and more "Grace". What a great reminder of God's blessed, yet unmerited favor toward us through Christ! :)

    (I didn't know that until some friends of ours named their new baby Hannah Grace.)


  10. Hey Heather and everyone!

    Yeah Michelle pointed out about Hannah too. I'm sure my wife & daughter already knew that. I just forgot.

    Yeah also about the night shift, I spend most of my first day off sleeping "it off" (the work week that is). Also, I won't take an over time shift at night that splits my weekend, because that would mean more time recovering than actually resting. The third difficulty is, I get four Sundays off in a row, and then 4 on in a row, and...currently, my 4th Sunday off, follows a saturday night overnight shift, so that taking a brief nap 1st thing and then getting up to go to church is very painful, and last week juyst not do-able.

    Good Night All
